On-the-Spot Search
Do not let your visitors navigate away from your website by furnishing contextual results on the spot literally within seconds

Select and Search
With a First of its kind ‘Select and Search’ UI, delivering instant results on-the-spot and within context, just by highlighting a word or sentence.

Promote Content
Promote specific keywords and search results based on your marketing strategy, all through the dashboard.

Highly Secure
SpotSearch is secure by design, with progressive layers of security, delivering true defenses in depth.

AI-powered suggestions
SpotSearch enhances your website with powerful suggestions around actual user intent, keywords, content navigation, behavior, and much more...
Introducing Key Sense Technology
Powered by Sia™, SpotSearch is smart to grasp the intention behind your search and deliver search results based on that intent rather than keywords.
Geo-based Search
SpotSearch understands the reason behind the user search and provides results based on the intent of the search. For instance: SpotSearch will automatically understand if there is any kind of address involved in the query and provides directions to that address.

Instant Directory Search
SpotSearch is capable of automatically understanding a person's name involved in the search query and automatically provides contact information for the person.

OOTB Integrations
SpotSearch with out of the box integrations enhances in-site contextual search results. It integrates seamlessly with existing indexing systems such as Apache SOLR and ElasticSearch.

Dedicated Support
Enterprise Plan of SpotSearch includes 99.99% SLA, so you can focus on your core business and not maintaining your search engine uptime.

Plug & Play
Implemented through a simple snippet, directly from the admin interface with a single click. SpotSearch will be up and running in less than 2 minutes once it is installed.

SpotSearch furnishes contextual search results on the spot instantly in more than 40 global languages. SpotSearch added to your site is capable of transforming your website into a multilingual site.
AI-powered Realtime Dashboards
Connect with your site visitors through Analytics
SpotSearch provides dynamic AI-powered analytics that helps you understand your customer behavior based on what they are searching for and the relation between their searches.

In-Site | Document | External Search
SpotSearch indexes your website and documents to provide instant results and also delivers results from external sites whenever needed.

Directory Search
With SpotSearch, users can retrieve your staff contact information that is made publicly available on your site, on the spot! Users can take actions like call or email, right from the SpotSearch interface.
Platform Agnostic
Out of the box, SpotSearch is readily available as a module or plugin for all the platforms out there.